The transplants from C to Java.

In program book that I drew graphics by C language by which writing participation is done, I transplanted the part of those programs from C to Java. The title of this book is being published by gC graphics program collection" (The editor : C & CG Research Group) by Kogyo Chosakai Publishing Co.Ltd., Tokyo in 1992 (ISBN4-7693-5056-2). Please inquire to the publisher wanting to obtain the source here.

Part 1 Graphics base
  1. Rectangle (shikaku)
  2. Application 1 of straight line (lines)
  3. Application 2 of straight line (aste)
  4. Application 3 of straight line (circle_&)
  5. Application of square (geo)
  6. Application 1 of circle (circle1)
  7. Application 2 of circle (daia1)
  8. The inner circle (try3)
  9. Application 1 of moving circle -Rope- (circle_7)
  10. Application 2 of moving circle -Bounce- (lt4)
  11. The straight line is drawn in the point. (line2)
  12. The circle is drawn by the straight line. (cir)
  13. Application of oval (daen)
  14. Spiral (spiralx)
  15. Fourier development of sign (sin12)
  16. Spectrum of sign (sin3)
  17. Application 1 of sine (wave_1)
  18. Application 2 of sine (wave_2)
  19. Application 3 of sine (moyou_4)
  20. Application 4 of sine (kaiten_1)
  21. Application 5 of sine (rose)
  22. Application 1 of function -Fan-(ougi2)
  23. Application 2 of function -Star-(trtr5)
  24. Application 3 of function -Tree- (tree)A tree2A tree3
  25. Thai ring pattern
Part 2 Graphics application
  1. Line and circle (polygon)
  2. Lissaj (lissaj)
  3. Flower 1 (flower)
  4. Flower 2 (flower2)
  5. Midmap(midmap)
  6. Midmap(midmap2)
  7. Development of square pillar (pillar)
  8. Development of pyramid (cone)
  9. Approximation development of ball (bowl)
  10. Application of approximation development of ball -The world map- (globe)
  11. Circular cylinder (pole)
  12. Torus(torus)
  13. Application of circular cylinder and torus -Mug-(mag)
  14. Transformation of circular cylinder -Jar-(bottle)
  15. Sphere (sphere)
  16. Application of sphere -Teacup and saucer- (cup_sauc)
Part 3 Related technology with external device
  1. Mouse trace
  2. Mouse cursor editor
  3. Mouse cursor pattern
  4. Plotter library
  5. Broken line (xy_ex1)
  6. Arc (xy_ex2)
  7. Cylindrical projection (chizu1)
  8. Mercator's projection (chizu2)
  9. Gnomonic projection -Dice map- (chizu3)
  10. Output to graphic terminal
  11. Frame buffer library
  12. An arbitrary color (fbeta)
  13. Gradation library (fgrad)
  14. Pattern 1 which uses function (ff1)
  15. Pattern 2 which uses function (ff2)
  16. Simple shading (fs1)
  17. Shading by which reflection on mirror side was added (fs2)
Part 4 Graphic library & utility
  1. Graphic library
  2. Graphics control utility
  3. Transplant to another model

Last Update: 25/8/2004
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