2021 年研究業績

[1984| 1985| 1986| 1987| 1988| 1989| 1990| 1991| 1992| 1993| 1994| 1995| 1996| 1997| 1998| 1999| 2000| 2001| 2002| 2003| 2004| 2005| 2006| 2007| 2008| 2009| 2010|2011|2012|2013|2014|2015|2016|2017| 2018| 2019| 2020| 2021| 2022]


  1. Making Fulldome Images Using Sphere Camera and Fulldome Picture on Bowl, Proc. of 13th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP 2021), Singapore, 2021.
  2. 全天周お絵描き,2021年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会,2021.9


  1. 辻合秀一:プロジェクションマッピング機材の最小化への試み,パーソナルコンピュータ利用技術学会論文誌,Vol.15,No.1,pp.1-5


  1. 3D VIDEO PRODUCTION TRAINING WITH POV-RAY, Proc. of 13th Asia Forum on Graphics Science (AFGS 2021), Online, 2021
  2. N. Araya, S. Ushimaru, H. Tsujiai, Differences in perception between projector projections in hybrid images, Proc. of the 13th AFGS, Online, 2021
  3. K. Yamashima, Y. Akizuki, H. Tsujiai, Improvement of the Camera of "Donburi de Planetarium" with 3D-CAD, Proc. of the 13th AFGS, Online, 2021


  1. 图展(ふゆをかこむ展)富大芸文×工芸高どんぶりくらべ, 青井記念館美術館, 2021.7
  2. どんぶりアート2021,MADD. screening 2021,SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 Art Gallery Special Program, 2021.12