No. 名前 方式 記載ページ 名前のカナ 方式のカナ 備考
25 小西佐都志 長商 16,17,18 KONISHI SATOSHI CHOOSHOO SYS.  


(1行目)Thatcher: Improvement for Great Britain
(2行目)And again; can I just blow the trumpet for Britan, as well? We are not only getting, now, very conpetitive manufacturing in dusty,
(3行目)but we have one of the best distribution systems the world over.
(4行目)We've no overmanning in distribution, and we're also trying to get down any overmannig that there had been in democracy, I'm sorry, in buresucracy.
(5行目)Because, you know, there is always a tendency to add to the adimistration, both in central, local Government.
(6行目)So, no overmanning in industry, no overmanning in distribution, overmanning in adminstration right down, restriction is down, I have not got on astifical controls on prices, incomes or exchange rates.
(7行目)We are ready to go, the moment we get an increase in world trade.

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