Tsujiai's result 2019

[1984| 1985| 1986| 1987| 1988| 1989| 1990| 1991| 1992| 1993| 1994| 1995| 1996| 1997| 1998| 1999| 2000| 2001| 2002| 2003| 2004| 2005| 2006| 2007| 2008| 2009| 2010| 2011| 2012| 2013| 2014| 2015| 2016| 2017| 2018| 2019| 2020| 2021| 2022| 2023| 2024| 2025]

International Conferences

  1. Reproductions Education in Media, Proceedings of the 12th Asia Forum on Graphics Science, pp.87-96, 2019.8.

Academy announcements

  1. Minami YAMAGISHI, Hidekazu TSUJIAI:Curtain Breeze-Production Process-,Chubu Branch Symposium of the JSGS, 2019.3
  2. Yuki SEKIKAWA, Hidekazu TSUJIAI: A Study of Japanese Calligram, Chubu Branch Symposium of the JSGS, 2019.3
  3. Tourai SUGIYAMA, Hidekazu TSUJIAI: Feeling expression of object in VR, Forum of Expressive Japan 2019, pp.177-178, 2019.3
  4. Minako AKAGI, Hidekazu TSUJIAI: Stained Constellations -Study on video work projected on fulldome-, Forum of Expressive Japan 2019, pp.417-418, 2019.3
  5. Tourai SUGIYAMA, Hidekazu TSUJIAI:Compare the features of Rhinoceros and Blender,Joint conference of Hokuriku chapters of Electrical and information Societies 2019, F1-19, 2019.8
  6. Spherical drawing system-Use of 360-degree camera and Styrofoam bowl-, Imaging Electronics Society, 290th Workshop in Morioka, pp.27-29, 2019.9
  7. Junpei TSUCHIDA, Hidekazu TSUJIAI: Donburi picture, Proc. of Entertainment Computing Symposium (EC2019),pp.31-33, 2019.9
  8. Donburi de HMD, NICOGRAPH 2019, 2019.11
  9. Kazuhiro YAMASHIMA, Hidekazu TSUJIAI: Improvement of the camera part of "Donburi de Planetarium", Proc. of Autumn Conference 2019 of the JSGS, 2019
  10. Interactive video content education using Scratch,the 14th Conference Proceedings of the JPCATS, pp56-58, 2019.12
  11. Miku OKAMOTO, Hidekazu TSUJIAI: A proposal for teaching manga in art education, Chubu Branch Symposium of the JSGS, 2019.12
  12. Projection mapping at Mitsui Outlet Park Hokuriku Oyabe, Chubu Branch Symposium of the JSGS, 2019.12


Last Update: 1/12/2024
© Copyright 2017-2024 by Hidekazu TSUJIAI